Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy
CRYSTALE (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") attaches great importance to the personal privacy of its members and complies with relevant laws and regulations to protect privacy rights and personal data. The following is our company's privacy and personal data protection policy (hereinafter referred to as "this policy"), which explains what personal data our company collects and how we use it, as well as other important matters related to your privacy.
A. Obtaining personal information
1 When you register as a CRYSTALE member, you agree that our company will collect your email Email, name, gender, date of birth, contact number, contact address.
2 When you use FACEBOOK or other websites or services (hereinafter referred to as "Third Party Website") when registering as a CRYSTALE member, you agree that our company will collect your identity verification information and other information that can be seen on or through your third-party website account, including your name , profile picture, country, email address, date of birth, gender, names of friends and their profile pictures and dating networks, etc. The Company may need to verify that your information is consistent with the information on the third-party website and/or use such information in accordance with this policy.
3 When you purchase CRYSTALE products, you agree to our company collecting your credit card/financial information Card information and payment records (hereinafter referred to as "payment information").
4 When you use CRYSTALE services, our company may collect the following information:
5 (1) Your usage data, including but not limited to: usage history, inquiries Information, etc.;
6 (2) Technical data, such as: URL, IP address, browser type, Device type and its identification code, operating system information, language and visit time, location information, etc., and the company uses cookies to provide functions on each web page;
7 Our company provides you with accurate and fast services when you browse When using the website, such as: account change application, feedback or participation in marketing activities, you will be asked to provide member account information or personal contact information.
B. Use of personal information
1 The information collected by our company will be used for the following purposes: (1) You The basic personal information provided (such as name) will be used as the basis for determining membership status; the contact information you provide will be used as contact information, marketing activity notifications, checkout reminders, bill delivery, CRYSTALE service-related update notifications and Other user management and services. (2) The payment information you provide will be used to process your payment and manage your payment methods. (3) Your usage data and technical data on CRYSTALE will be used to improve CRYSTALE services or develop new services. (4) The company provides e-newsletter services and sends event notices from time to time. If you do not want to receive any newsletters or event notifications, you can log in to your account at any time to cancel subscription or notification services. If you have any questions about the settings, please feel free to contact our customer service at any time.
2 The Company may share aggregated non-personal information with third parties. "Aggregate non-personal information" refers to information recorded about users and collected in groups that no longer reflect or point to a specific identifiable user.
3 The company will not disclose members’ personal information to third parties without their prior consent. Information, except where disclosure is required by law due to vital national interests or to cooperate with law enforcement agencies in investigations.
C. Autonomy of personal data
1 You can query, copy or apply for changes within the scope of your personal data. If you are not the Or before the Company has verified that you are yourself, you may not apply to inquire, copy, request to read or apply to change personal information and account services that do not belong to your account. If you are not an applicant in the above situation, you should provide relevant personal information and Facebook information when necessary so that our company can assist in processing the operating procedures.
2 The company will save your personal information during the period that you are a CRYSTALE member . You may request to stop using or deleting your personal information; but once stopped or deleted, you will no longer be able to use CRYSTALE's services.
3 To hinder the vital interests of the country, hinder the performance of legal duties by public agencies, hinder the collection agencies or When a third party has significant interests, the Company has the right to reject your request to change, delete or alter personal information.
D. Security of personal data
1 To protect your privacy, our company provides necessary technologies and measures to protect personal information .
2 Please keep your personal information, registered account and password properly to avoid leaked. Use the Company on personal or non-personal computers crystale.hkDuring service, please log out or close the software and browser window when necessary to prevent your information from being stolen.
3 Please keep your payment information (including credit card information) properly to avoid Illegal uses by others.
4 CRYSTALE services may contain links to other non-company websites or webpages. If you Individuals agree that this website collects, processes or uses your personal information, and the company does not assume any joint liability.
5 You agree that the information retained during consumption on the CRYSTALE service is consistent with the facts. If you later discover that your personal information has been illegally used by others or has any abnormalities, you should notify the Company immediately.
6 You agree that when using CRYSTALE services, the information provided and used is legal. , and does not infringe the rights of third parties, violate third-party agreements or involve any illegal conduct. If any damage is caused to a third party due to the use of the service, the Company will not be liable for relevant compensation unless the Company is intentional or has gross negligence.
E. Revision and effectiveness of privacy and personal data protection policies
1 The company will update this policy from time to time and comply with local privacy rights and personal data Protection of relevant laws and regulations, when the company makes major changes, it will be announced on the official website.
2 This policy forms part of the Terms of Service. If you do not agree with any terms or modifications of this policy, please stop using the service immediately.
3 If you have any questions about our company's privacy or personal data protection policies, please connection .